Tag: Certified Inspector
5 Reasons to Schedule a Sewer Scope Inspection
Homeownership often feels like a delicate balance between preventative maintenance and urgent repairs. After all, protecting the value and condition of your home is a top priority, especially if you have upcoming plans to sell it. One essential component on your property that often gets overlooked is your sewer system. Burgess Inspections, Inc. is equipped […]
A Guide to 5 Types of Commercial Property Inspections
The inspection is a crucial step in your commercial property investment, sometimes even altering the outcome of the deal. Not only will the property inspection give you some leverage in the negotiation, but it can also give you some insight into necessary future repairs. At Burgess Inspections, Inc., our experts will evaluate the property and […]
Costly Flaws That a Commercial Property Inspection May Uncover
Whether you are purchasing, leasing, or managing a commercial property, it is always necessary to complete your due diligence before you sign on the dotted line. Since the condition of the building and its components will impact the contract negotiation and future potential capital investment, you need this information in a concise, detailed report. Burgess Inspections, […]